Saturday, August 16, 2008

On Jerome Corsi

Here's an idea. Why doesn't Barack Obama sue Jerome Corsi for his book The Obama Nation? The book is clearly libelous and littered with flat-out lies. Why doesn't John Kerry do the same; Corsi was the coauthor of Unfit for Command which was part of that slander campaign known as the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. How is it that freedom of speech protects those who spread vicious lies with the full knowledge that they are untrue and will cause damage to people's reputations? Isn't that the very definition of libel and slander? Last time I checked, those were illegal.

This article from Tim Rutten of the LA Times delves deep into Corsi's background. A surprising player in this whole affair is Mary Matalin, a Republican strategist who just happens to be married to Democratic strategist James "It's the Economy, Stupid" Carville. The fact that a respected person like Matalin would associate herself with a book by someone who believes George W. Bush wants to merge the United States and Mexico, someone who refers to Muslims as "ragheads" and the pope as "senile", someone who has appeared on The Political Cesspool...

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